Monday, April 25, 2016

Floripa (7) - Santo Antônio de Lisboa

Floripa (7) - Santo Antônio de Lisboa

Santo Antonio de Lisboa, historic building

In the northwest part of Santa Catarina Island, another (once) fischermen´s village is now becoming a trending touristic destination, specially for restaurant lovers. 

Santo Antonio de Lisboa

The coastal street at this neighborhood turned out to be a very nice spot for eating with great views of downtown Floripa and Hercilio Luz bridge. Plus, historical buildings remembering the azorean portuguese heritage.   

Santo Antonio de Lisboa

In fact, oister seafarms, fishing boats, historic buildings and new mansions share this hidden beach amongst downtown and the famous beaches at the north side of the island. All without loosing the air of a small beachtown.

Santo Antonio de Lisboa

Since there are no signals at the main road leading to the north of the island, it is not very easy to locate Santo Antônio. One must pass down the main road to get there, at a U turn, and then enter at some of the roads leading to the coastal street. Some GPS maps may be not up-to-date, beware.

Nevertheless, once in the village, the coastal street is close from the main road, and there is a parking spot by the church. 

Santo Antonio de Lisboa
Santo Antonio de Lisboa

The place is not that far away from downtown, if compared to the beaches at the south or east side of the island, so a cab or taxi will be less expensive, though never a bargain. 

Santo Antonio de Lisboa
Pricy restaurants and some more affordable share the beach view alongside with many craftsmanship stores that can be found in the area, if starting a walk from the church to the north. The beach is very calm and few people take a bath at the very calm waters. 

Santo Antonio de Lisboa, nice view from one of the restaurants
Santo Antonio de Lisboa

Santo Antonio de Lisboa, a delicious chocolate coffee
Santo Antonio de Lisboa
After lunch or dinner, a very nice cafe located one block from the church is my suggestion for saying goodbye.  

Santo Antonio de Lisboa

Santo Antonio de Lisboa

Santo Antonio de Lisboa

Santo Antonio de Lisboa

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