Friday, September 11, 2015

Chapada dos Veadeiros 7 - The Moonvalley

Chapada dos Veadeiros (7)
 The Moonvalley

Rocks at the moonvalley, at Chapada dos Veadeiros in Brazil
(O vale da Lua)

In a private area located in the same road linking Alto Paraíso de Goiás with São Jorge´s village it is located the moonvalley, known in portuguese as Vale da Lua

To get there, see the previou post Chapada dos Veadeiros 2 - Getting to the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park (published in september 6, 2015):

Once in this road, search for the signs for Vale da Lua. It is needed to ride about 10 minutes in a dirty road to get to the main entrance of the moonvalley. Although it is not paved, road conditions were ok last year, but maybe they can get bad during rainy season (october to march). Entrance is charged, but it is not expensive. If you don´t want to do it with your car, you can call a guide who can provide transportation from your hotel.

Vale da Lua
Landscape in the trail to the moonvalley, at Chapada dos Veadeiros in Brazil
From moonvalley´s entrance to the rock, it takes a small walk of 5 minutes. The place consists in a very old grey rock carved by a river, forming a very curious landscape. The rock seems a cheese with holes made by the water stream. 

Rocks at the moonvalley, at Chapada dos Veadeiros in Brazil
Be cautions because this rock is very, very slippery, even more with water. The water stream inside the rock is very strong, so it is forbidden to swim in some parts of the rock. Signs indicate the natural swimming pool´s limits.  

One natural swimming pool and rocks at the moonvalley, at Chapada dos Veadeiros in Brazil

Water in this place is very clear. I don´t think you need to go with a guide, since you obey all the signs and rules, and stay in the allowed areas for tourists.

Rocks at the moonvalley, at Chapada dos Veadeiros in Brazil

Rocks at the moonvalley, at Chapada dos Veadeiros in Brazil

Rocks at the moonvalley, at Chapada dos Veadeiros in Brazil

Rocks at the moonvalley, at Chapada dos Veadeiros in Brazil

Rocks at the moonvalley, at Chapada dos Veadeiros in Brazil

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Chapada dos Veadeiros 6 - The water jumps track

Chapada dos Veadeiros (6) 
The Water Jumps´ Track
Salto do Rio Preto

The Jump of Rio Preto, inside the Chapada dos Veadeiros´National Park

The Water Jump´s Track, my free translation to Trilha dos Saltos, is the most thrilling one inside the National Park. This 11 km (8 miles) track leads to the highest waterfall inside the park (800m), allowing a view from the top of the waterfall to its bottom, where a lagoon is formed. 

First you´ll walk through the cerrado, close to the Rio Preto´s valley. The plants, the crystals and the rocks are amazing, as well the crystal clear water springing from the rocks. 

Walking in the Cerrado, in the direction of the Salto do Rio Preto waterfall, inside Chapada dos Veadeiros´National Park
Walking in the Cerrado, in the direction of the Salto do Rio Preto waterfall, inside Chapada dos Veadeiros´National Park

After one hour walk, you start hearing the waterfall´s noise, and soon you´ll see the abyss, where there´s a rustic stairway. The abyss gives you an incredible view of the jungle inside the Park, an almost untouched place where people just get by walking a lot on those tracks, leaving all signs of civilization behind. 

Some steps down and you can take pictures of the waterfall from a vistapoint:

Cachoeira do Salto do Rio Preto - The Jump of Rio Preto´s waterfall

Cachoeira do Salto do Rio Preto - The Jump of Rio Preto´s waterfall
 The stairway down to the lagoon is rustic and, of course, surrounded by the jungle, so it is not an easy ride. It demands good physical preparation to get down and climb again. Once you reach the lagoon, you can have a relaxing bath, though stones are very sharp there, what makes baths a bit difficult. Be mindful of snackes and slippery rocks, one can get hurt. 

Cachoeira do Salto do Rio Preto - The Jump of Rio Preto´s waterfall
Cachoeira do Salto do Rio Preto - The Jump of Rio Preto´s waterfall
Cachoeira do Salto do Rio Preto - The Jump of Rio Preto´s waterfall

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Chapada dos Veadeiros 5 - The Canions´ Track

Chapada dos Veadeiros (5) - The Canions´ Track

(The Rio Preto and its canions, forming natural swimming pools, inside Chapada dos Veadeiros´National Park) 

The Canions´Track is a 12 km (about 8 miles) track inside the National Park, leading to small waterfalls that forms natural swimming pools. 

When arriving in the National Park, follow the "Trilha dos Canions" signs. They divided the tracks acoording to arrows, the yellow and the red ones, so one must follow the respective arrow, though I insist, once again, to hire a guide. 

Don´t think you´re going to see a Grand Canion scenery, and I suppose the track got this name due to the number of rocks found in the track and in its waterfalls, not exactly for beeing a deep canion. 

Landscape is very beautiful, as these waterfalls are inside the Black River´s valley (Rio Preto), which crosses the National Park and forms those waterfalls. 

(The Rio Preto and its canions, forming natural swimming pools, inside Chapada dos Veadeiros´National Park) 

During the rainy season (from october to march), it is advisable to be very alert about a rapid increase on water levels, due to strong rains elsewhere in the river´s basin. Though it may not be raining in the park, a strong rain elsewhere can make water levels increase too fast - and this is another reason to hire a guide, because the know the region and its dangers. 

(The elephant stone, in the way to the canions)
(The Rio Preto and its canions, forming natural swimming pools, inside Chapada dos Veadeiros´National Park)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Chapada dos Veadeiros 4 - the National Park

Chapada dos Veadeiros 4 - the National Park

The majestic view of the Chapada dos Veadeiros´National Park

Once you´ve reached São Jorge village, you´re close to the main entrance of the National Park. Visits are allowed during daytime, except if you hire a guide for the biggest track, which takes more than one day and will demand you sleep inside the park.

Nowadays hiring a guide for the one-day tracks isn´t mandatory, but it is highly recommended. Tracks may be tough among stones and bushes, and twisting the foot alone in one of them would be a big problem if you don´t have someone to help. 

The majestic view of the Chapada dos Veadeiros´National Park

There are four tracks recommended by the Parks´administration (site only in portughese:

1) one very easy, of 800m, the Siriema track; 

2) the Sete Quedas Track, of 23km, which takes 2 to 3 days, 

3) the Saltos Track (11km to go and come back), which leads to the highest waterfalls and 

4) the Canions Track (12 km, to go and come back), which leads to smaller waterfalls, but better to take a bath. 

The Saltos track is quite hard, since you start over the top of the waterfall, so you have to get down then climb again, in the way back. Also, the track is really in the middle of the jungle. 

The Canions Track, though a bit longer, is easier because there aren´t so many ups-and-downs, and eventually you walk on dirty roads, so you won´t be hit all the time by the bushes and you won´t have to worry so much about....snackes. 

It is very important to carry water in canteens or squeezes; you won´t have enough water all the way along the tracks, so you´ll have to grab some water in the rivers. Don´t worry, the water is crystal clear. If you don´t want to drink river water, you´ll have to carry lots of squeezes and canteens, making the hike much harder.

Sunblock and (very) comfortable sneackers, preferably those which protects the anckle - or, simply, boots -  are very recommended too. As the tracks take hours, taking sandwiches and snacks are very advisable, you won´t find a place to eat inside the park. 

The Park allows entrances just untill midday, and exit is mandatory by 6pm. 

The majestic view of the Chapada dos Veadeiros´National Park

Monday, September 7, 2015

Chapada dos Veadeiros 3 - Jardim da Maytrea

Chapada dos Veadeiros 3 - Jardim de Maytrea

As I wrote yesterday, between Alto Paraíso and São Jorge, the small village which is the gateway to the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, there is the Jardim da Maytrea (Garden of Maytrea), an inconic view which nowadays symbolises the National Park.

It is located in a place out of the Parks´ touristic center, so it is a non-walkable area without a guide and allowance. This National Park is huge, and most of its parts are protected from human activities, even hikking. Besides, many places are dangerous, both because of animals and the danger of getting lost. 

But when going by car from Alto Paraíso to São Jorge, you can just stop the car and make those incredible photos:

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Chapada dos Veadeiros 2

Chapada dos Veadeiros (2)

Getting to the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park

The National Park is located in the municipality of Alto Paraíso de Goiás (High Paradise in Goiás), a city best known as an esoteric place, where UFO searchers, religious and esoteric groups flock to, as it is said to be a high energy place, with gates to other dimensions.  

For sure the local beauty, far away from big metropolitan areas, inspires people and their beliefs.

Many people stay in Alto Paraíso, specially for esoteric events. 

The main entrance to the National Park, however, is located in a small village called São Jorge (Saint George), recently linked to Alto Paraíso by a paved road. From the city to the village it takes about 20 minutes. This small road has an unbelievable scenic view (see more in the post about the Jardim de Maytrea). 

Most bed and breakfasts, hostels and boutique hotels are located in this small village, which nowadays can be easily reached. 

Although Alto Paraíso is in the Goiás state, the most central satate of Brazil, the easiest way to get there is from Brasilia. Driving from Brasilia to Alto Paraíso takes 3 hours. The roads are well paved, but after you leave Federal District, it is a two-way road, which I consider better to be done during the day. 

The Federal District (the DF, the area that hosts Brasilia) must be crossed in the way north, to take the road in Goiás state leading to Alto Paraíso. In the DF highways are very good, but you´ll need a GPS to find the way to Alto Paraíso. 

Once in the two-way road to Alto Paraíso, it is a straight-away drive up north. 

It is a very beautifull trip alongside soyabean plantations, cerrado areas, cattle ranches and small cities in the countryside of Goiás state, a true experience of Brazil´s countryside. Close to Alto Paraíso, some of the Chapadas´s plateaus begin to appear. 

Arriving in Alto Paraíso, it is just about making the roundpoint and taking the road to the left, which will lead you to São Jorge. 


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