Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Península do Maraú

Península do Maraú

View of Barra Grande beach, inside the Península do Maraú, Bahia, Brazil 

The Maraú Peninsula, located in the south coastline of Bahia State, is one of the most beautiful places in this state at the northeast of Brazil.

View of Barra Grande beach, inside the Península do Maraú, Bahia, Brazil 

A still hidden spot from massive tourism, it is best known by locals and some foreigners who decided to open some business there. 

View of Barra Grande beach, inside the Península do Maraú, Bahia, Brazil 

A funny thing about northeast coastline in Brazil is the large presence of europeans owning hotels, b&b´s, inns and restaurants. They all seem to have given up a stressful life in big economic centres of Europe in exchange of endless beaches, palmtrees, sun and heat. The Península do Maraú isn´t different. 

View of Barra Grande beach, inside the Península do Maraú, Bahia, Brazil 

Even Brazillians don´t know the place, a kind of paradise for the wealthy people in Bahia. Maybe due to the the difficulties to access it, and the distance from the nearest airport, it is still a place out of the mainstream.

Nevertheless, there are options of accommodation for every pocket. 

View of Barra Grande beach, inside the Península do Maraú, Bahia, Brazil 

In fact, the nearest airport is the Airport of Ilhéus (Jorge Amado Airport, IATA - IOS), 129 km south, distance made in 2h13 minutes, according to googlemaps. But inside the peninsula there are about 30 km in a dirty road untill the Ponta do Mutá (the extreme point of the peninsula), with lots of sand, what makes this part of this trip harder. So, the best would be to get an off-road transportation, or a higher SUV, in order to do well at this track. 

View of Barra Grande beach, inside the Península do Maraú, Bahia, Brazil 

Salvador isn´t the best option for reaching the Peninsula do Maraú, unless you have lots of time and you enjoy driving or staying in a shuttle watching the landscape. Googlemaps informs it would take more than 5 hours to reach the Peninsula, by taking the ferryboat at Salvador to cross the Bahia de Todos os Santos ("All Saints" Bay). And, more than 6 hours if you get  the highways to turn around the bay. But this estimated time works only in regular days, because during holidays traffic jams and lots of people trying to cross the bay at the same time can make this trip a true hell. 

View of Barra Grande beach, inside the Península do Maraú, Bahia, Brazil 

Of course, if money is not a problem, going by helicopter is also an option. Some inns have heliports.

The only problem of coming through Ilhéus is that this airport has fewer flights than Salvador, and most of them, if not all, are domestic flights. But flights to Ilheus are avilable from the main cities of Brazil.  

View of Barra Grande beach, inside the Península do Maraú, Bahia, Brazil 

But all effort is valid to get there, as the next posts will show. 

View of Barra Grande beach, inside the Península do Maraú, Bahia, Brazil 

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