Monday, October 19, 2015

Campos do Jordão 2 - the winter festival

Campos do Jordão (2)
the winter music festival

The Claudio Santoro Auditorium, which helds the main presentations at the Winter Music Festival of Campos do Jordão

Campos do Jordão hosts the Winter Music Festival (Festival de Inverno de Campos do Jordão), when the symphonic orchestra of São Paulo State (Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo - OSESP) makes a series of presentations in the city. 

The Claudio Santoro Auditorium, which helds the main presentations at the Winter Music Festival of Campos do Jordão
The winter festival is held in July, when winter is stronger at brazillian southernmost states, and specially here, where the peaks, located 2000m (1,24miles) above sea level produce temperatures under zero degrees celsium.

Musicians plays all around the city, speacially in the squares. The city gets crowded and its hotels full of tourists. Main presentations of the symphonic orchestra are held at the Claudio Santoro Auditorium, located in a hill in the city outskirts.

In front of the Auditorium, there is a garden full of sculptures and Araucaria trees, the pictoresque pine from the south of Brazil. 

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