Saturday, September 19, 2015

Bahia, land of wonderful beaches, sun and brazillian-afro culture

Bahia, land of wonderful beaches, sun and brazillian-afro culture

Bahia State and its capital city, Salvador, fascinates many tourists for its afro-brazillian culture, its strong and spicy food, marvellous beaches, all-year-round heat and sun, and its historic buildings.

The acarajé, a kind of fried and spicy pastel, is the most famous dish of Bahian culinary, but Brazillian classics as the feijoada and the caipirinha can be allways found in Bahia. Seafood is in every coast city. 

Though Bahia is most famous for Salvador´s carnival and historic sites, as well for the incredible beaches alognside Bahia´s coastline, the State countryside hosts the Chapada Diamantina, a rocky formation with rivers, caves, cosy villages and lots of nature in the region of Lençóis, a countryside city located 426 km (about 300 miles) west from Salvador. 

In the days to come, we´ll see some parts of this magic Brazillian State. 

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