Saturday, August 8, 2015


In the southernmost state of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, a pair of two cities puts you in an unimaginated european atmosphere in South America: Gramado and Canela.

(above, Rapunzel´s Tower in front of the Black Lake and inside Gramado´s church)

This region, settled by german inmigrants mostly, is know for very good cheese, wine and fondue, as well for its german-style cooking. 

The most famous winery in Brazil is Miolo (, located in the area of Bento Gonçalves, another city in the Serra Gaúcha. For visiting, you can see the tips at 

Both Gramado and Canela are very close to each other (7km) and no more than two hours drive from Porto Alegre, the state capital. There are tour operators to get you there, but renting a car at Salgado Filho International Airport is a very convenient way to go there. Don´t forget taking the GPS. Also, the car will allow you to know neighbouring cities and wineyards, making the trip a lot more interesting.

The cities are located in a mountain range known as Serra Gaúcha, one of the coldest parts of Brazil, though, even in winter, it is rare temperatures can get under 0 degrees Celsium.  

During Christmas, Gramado celebrates the "Natal Luz", or "Christmas of Light", with Santa Claus´parades, fireworks and celebrations. It´s a hot Christmas, since it is winter in South Hemisphere, but very recommended for families with children. 

(above, streets of Gramado and one of its Chocolate stores, during winter)

Gramado also helds the Brazillian Film Festival, held in august. Their site is only in portuguese and spanihs: It is a good time to visit the city, as there are music concerts and parties, and it is also held the kikito award to the best movies. The kikito is a parody of the Oscar, a funny way to celebrate brazillian cinema. Here it is the main road of the city:

Canela has a very beautifull stone Cathedral, which is worth visiting:

And, as we´re in Brazil, there´s always something related to the nature to see. The Caracol Cascade is at a natural park nearby Canela, and can be seen from the top very easily. Going down requires effort and physical preparation, so it isn´t advisable for people with reduced mobility. The visit can also be done by a cable car (2nd photo down). 

Gramado also hosts, in the middle of the city, the Lago Negro (Black Lake), surrounded by poplars and cypresses. 

At this part of Brazil, it doesn´t seem you´re in Brazil, a country always related to beaches, sun and high temperatures. But it is really good to visit those two lovely cities with very good food and a taste of Europe in Latin America.

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