Thursday, February 18, 2016

Floripa (4) - Lagoa da Conceição - eating out

Floripa (4) - Lagoa da Conceição - eating out

Avenida das Rendeiras, which is a strip surrounding the Lagoa, has lots of restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. The best shrimps can be eaten there, as they offer its sequência in a fixed price, generally for 2, 3 or even 4 people. 

You can just walk by the Rendeiras avenue and see prices fixed at the easels in front of each restaurant - and choose also by its atmosphere and its looking. Some have air con, some don´t, some have music, some are at the open air etc. You´ll clearly see some simple places and some fancy ones, some with brazillian music and others with a more intimate air. 

The sequência de camarões - literally translating, the shrimp sequency - consists of three or four plates containing, each, about a dozen of shrimps, made fried, steamed or with a garlic or lemon sauce, accompained by salads, french fries, rice or other side dishes. 

Shrimps prices are a real bargain if compared to other places, and you can eat them so much!

A nice discovery for me, in 2016´s carnival, was the Beijú Tapiocaria, located at Avenida das Rendeiras, 1590: they do delicious Tapiocas, a tipical plate from brazillian northeast, which can be described as a cassava flour pastel, filled with savory or sweet fillings. Also, their caipirinhas are the best in the Island of Santa Catarina. Here´s their site at facebook:

But there are lots of bars you can choose too at Avenida das Rendeiras, as well some nightclubs that may operate only during summer time. 

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