Thursday, September 24, 2015

Salvador (5): the church of Nosso Senhor do Bonfim and the afro-brazillian religions. 

A panoramic view of the city of Salvador da Bahia, from the harbor, with both the high and low cities (Cidade Alta e cidade Baixa).

The most famous church of Salvador is the Igreja do Nosso Senhor do Bomfim, located in the Cidade Alta. Actually, it is one of the most famous churches of Brazil.

Salvador is home to a unique mix of the african culture, brought by the africans, and the european, catholic rituals. The Candomblé is the main religion of african inspiration, but their orixás have a sort of equivalence to Catholic saints in brazillian culture. Along the centuries both european catholicism and african religions lived together at Bahia, providing a very curious cultural miscelanny, marked by the religious syncretism

The baianas of candomblé use large white dresses with blue colars, while they sell to tourists the multi-coloured ribbons of Nosso Senhor do Bomfim. According to the local tale, you must put the ribbon around your wrist, tie it with a strong knot and ask for a wish. You can never untie the ribbon, you must use it untill it falls unnoticed: by them, your wish will come true. That´s one of Bahia´s mysteries.       

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