Monday, December 26, 2016

The Dom Bosco Sanctuary

The Dom Bosco Sanctuary (Santuário Dom Bosco)

The Dom Bosco Sanctuary at Brasilia -

Out of the mainstream tours in Brasilia, there´s this incredible many shades of blue-windowed church at W3 south street, just in the begining of Asa Sul neighbourhood. 

The Dom Bosco Sanctuary at Brasilia -

Far less known than Brasília´s Cathedral, there´s not a single person who doesn´t express a wow! once entering this astonishing place. 

It is realy worth visiting. According to sunlight, the colours inside may vary, and even by night the place is gorgeous, with its huge chandelier almost flying over the audience. 

Dom Bosco was an italian priest, who lived in the XIXth century, and he had a dream of a prosperous place, close to a lake, from where land would provide milk and honney, in between the paralels 15 and 20. In italian (text taken from wikipedia):

Tra il grado 15 e il 20 grado vi era un seno assai lungo e assai largo que partiva di un punto che formava un lago. Allora una voce disse ripetutamente, quando si verrano a scavare le miniere nascoste in mezzo a questi monti di quel seno apparirà qui la terra promessa fluente latte e miele, sarà una ricchezza inconcepibilie. (Memorie Biografiche, XVI, 385-394)

Many people claim he foresaw the building of Brasilia, so he was chosen as the city´s patron saint. 

Crossing the lake, in the outskirts of the city, there´s also the Dom Bosco shrine (Ermida Dom Bosco), from where the city can be seen. See previous post about it, but don´t mistake the two places: they´re quite far away. 

Friday, December 23, 2016

Praça dos Três Poderes - the Three Powers Square

Praça dos Três Poderes 
- Three Powers Square

The National Congress, view from the Praça dos Três Poderes 
- Three Powers Square

Shaped as an airplane, the cockpit of Brasília is the Praça dos Três Poderes - the Three Powers Square.

The Supreme Court, view from the Praça dos Três Poderes 
- Three Powers Square

It hosts the National Congress building, seat to the Legislative branch, the Palácio do Planalto, seat to the President of Brazil, and the Supreme Court, most important court of Brazil. 

The Supreme Court and the Praça dos Três Poderes 
- Three Powers Square

The Square hosts also some sculptures, the National Flag, the National Pantheon, an underground room with a mockup of the city, an ethernal flame and a monument honoring Juscelino Kubitscheck, the President who built Brasília. 

The Palácio do Planalto, seat of Brazil´s President at the Praça dos Três Poderes

Don´t forget to bring a hat and loads of sunblock, as the Square has no trees, in respect to Niemayer´s concept of enhancing the splendid form of the buildings, in juxtaposition to the landscape and Brasilia´s incredible sky.

The Praça dos Três Poderes 
- Three Powers Square, seen from a nearby building

Each monument can be visited, but not everyday. Visits to the Congress happens more often (see post about Congress); visits to Planalto Palace and Supreme Court depends on schedule. Other buildings may be available for visits depending on the time and on the day. But there´s always something to do at the Praça dos Três Poderes. 

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Schoenstatt Shrine at Brasilia - Santuário da Mãe e Rainha Três Vezes Admirável de Schoenstatt

Schoenstatt Shrine at Brasilia
Santuário da Mãe e Rainha 
Três Vezes Admirável de Schoenstatt

Diverging of the modernist constructions all over Brasilia, this christian Sanctuary is just by the side of the new TV Tower of Brasília (see previous post).

Schoenstatt Shrine at Brasilia

The very small chapel seems to have been transported from Europe to the Brazillian Highlands without advice. Even the pine trees aren´t part of the regular scenary of Brasilia!

As the new TV Tower, it is some miles away from downtown Brasilia, but it takes only about 15 minutes to get there by car or taxi. It is worth visiting at the same trip to the new TV Tower (see previous post), and take some nice pics. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Central Bus Depot - Rodoviária at Brasília

Central Bus Depot 
- Rodoviária at Brasília

View of National Congress and the Ministries´ Esplanade from atop Rodoviária

Absolutely not a touristic destination, the Rodoviária in the city center may be of interest for modernism lovers visiting Brasilia. 

Inside Rodoviária of Brasilia

It is located exactly in the cross of the main avenues of Brasília, the Eixo Monumental (where main civic buildings are located) and the freeway Eixo Rodoviário, linking both "Asas" extremes.  

A subway station and the bus depot of buses coming from the satelite cities  - as are named the cities surrounding Brasilia inside the Federal District -, some parking lots on its upper level and two popular malls complete the ensemble of the place.

Inside the Rodoviária of Brasilia

It seems like a scenario of a futuristic movie, with real people fighting day-to-day life. In fact, it is one of the few places where people can be seen walking in this car-made city.

View of the old TV Tower and both South and North hotels´ sectors from atop Rodoviária

From Rodoviária it is possible to take the subway to the Interestate Rodoviária, where buses to other brazillian states can be taken, after the metro gets off Asa Sul.

Though Brasilia in general is a safe city, this place requires more attention with valuable things, and should be avoided late by night. It is very close to both south and north hotel sectors. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The new TV Tower

The new TV Tower of Brasília
- Flor do Cerrado

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado

The new TV Tower hosts the antennas of the digital TV. From the new tower, Brasília can be seen as a whole, the lake Parainoá surrounding the east side of Brasilia, as well some satelite cities, forests and rural areas.

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado - view from above

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado - view from above

As it is higher than the old TV Tower, located downtown Brasilia, views are quite impressive from a different perspective of the city and sorrounding areas. 

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado - view from above

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado

The Tower was named the Cerrado Flower, ie., the flower of the Brazillian savannah. 

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado - view from above
As one of the last Niemayer´s pieces, it evoques an opening flower, mande of pure concrete and glass.

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado - view from above
It is planned to be implemented a cafe or restaurant in one of its floors. It isn´t still opened by night, and visitation ends by 5 pm. So, on the contrary of the old TV Tower, I recommend going early. 

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado - view from above
There is a craftsmen shop and a cafe on the groundfloor.

It is located almost in Sobradinho, one of Brasilia´s satelite cities, as are called the unplanned cities that grew around it. 

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado - view from above

Views are amazing, speacially in the rainy season, when the dramatic clouds carring huges portions of water delivers rain - and life - to the cerrado - the brazillian savannah. 

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado - view from above
On the contrary of the old TV Tower, the vista point is covered by a ceiling, so the rain show won´t be a problem.

Even if there are lines in the ground floor, the covered building can prevent visitors from getting an unexpected shower. 

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado - ground floor

The tour to the new TV Tower can be complemented by a visit to the Schoenstatt Shrine at Brasilia, called Santuário da Mãe e Rainha Três Vezes Admirável de Schoenstatt. It is just by its side (see future post). 

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado - view from above

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado - view from above

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado - view from above

The new TV Tower - Flor do Cerrado - view from above

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The old TV Tower (Brasília)

The old TV Tower at Brasília

View from the old TV Tower in Brasilia

From nowhere else in the city you can get a better view of Brasília than above the old TV Tower, in the middle of the city. 

It is located almost in the cross between the Eixo Monumental and the Eixo Rodoviário (Monumental Axis and the Road Axis), the two main highways which give the form of an airplane to the city. 

View from the old TV Tower in Brasilia

The axis cross each other under the Rodoviária, the main bus depot of the Federal District. They cross one another by a system of tunnels and highways, so it is not very friendly for walkers, though the frist subway station is also there, connectiong with the bus system.

View from the old TV Tower in Brasilia

Some meters up to the west, there is the fountain and the old TV Tower.

From the TV Tower one can see the Asa Sul to the South, the Asa Norte to the North, the city park Sara Kubitschek looking to the southwest and the National Stadium, to the northwest. 

View from the old TV Tower in Brasilia

Looking east, there are the fountain, the Rodoviária, the Ministries´Esplanade, the National Congress building and the Lake Paranoá,  envolving the city, one after the other. 

View from the old TV Tower in Brasilia

Looking west, the Ulisses Guimarães Conventions Center, and an amazing sunset. 

View from the old TV Tower in Brasilia

I recommend going up by the end of the day, when nice pictures of the city, eighter with sunshine and by night can be taken. Also, as a free attraction, lines can take long time under the merciless sun of Brasilia, specially during weekends and holidays. 

View from the old TV Tower in Brasilia

The lift goes up very quickly. Baby strollers are accepted and there is no age restriction. Parking nearby is very easy. The vista point is, however, at open air, so better be prepared for the sun or for the rain, depending on the weather. 

View from the old TV Tower in Brasilia

It is not allowed to go by the stairs, as it is an iron structure without proper protection (in the stairs). 

View from the old TV Tower in Brasilia

If you have vertigo, better stay down too; otherwise, enjoy the view.   

View from the old TV Tower in Brasilia

There is another lift, used to led people to a caffe in the first floor of the TV Tower, but it is closed by the moment this post is written. Unfortunately, as it was a nice spot to have a coffee and appreciate the view of the city, although not that high. 

View from the old TV Tower in Brasilia

Now Brasilia has a new TV Tower in the outskirts of Lago Norte (North Lake), a residencial neighbourhood behind Asa Norte (the North Wing, another neighbourhood - see future post about it). 

View from the old TV Tower in Brasilia

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The fountain in the middle of the Monumental Axis

The fountain in the middle of the Monumental Axis

Brasilia´s fountain, in the middle of the Eixo Monumental (Monumental Axis)

Brasilia´s fountain, in the middle of the Eixo Monumental (Monumental Axis)

 In the middle of the Eixo Monumental - Monumental Axis tourists can enjoy the dancing fountain, nowadays enlightened by multiple colours. 

Brasilia´s fountain, in the middle of the Eixo Monumental (Monumental Axis)

Brasilia´s fountain, in the middle of the Eixo Monumental (Monumental Axis)

It helps reducing the sensation of dryness during the months of june to september, and it is a nice spot for pictures. 

Brasilia´s fountain, in the middle of the Eixo Monumental (Monumental Axis)

Sometimes lights are synchronised with some brazillian music and eventually the place receives an stage for popular/open to the public shows. 

Brasilia´s fountain, in the middle of the Eixo Monumental (Monumental Axis)

Behind it, the old TV tower offers a free lift to a vista point in the middle of the structure (see next post). 

Brasilia´s fountain, in the middle of the Eixo Monumental (Monumental Axis)

Brasilia´s fountain, in the middle of the Eixo Monumental (Monumental Axis), and the moonrise nearby

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