Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Chapada dos Veadeiros 4 - the National Park

Chapada dos Veadeiros 4 - the National Park

The majestic view of the Chapada dos Veadeiros´National Park

Once you´ve reached São Jorge village, you´re close to the main entrance of the National Park. Visits are allowed during daytime, except if you hire a guide for the biggest track, which takes more than one day and will demand you sleep inside the park.

Nowadays hiring a guide for the one-day tracks isn´t mandatory, but it is highly recommended. Tracks may be tough among stones and bushes, and twisting the foot alone in one of them would be a big problem if you don´t have someone to help. 

The majestic view of the Chapada dos Veadeiros´National Park

There are four tracks recommended by the Parks´administration (site only in portughese: http://www.icmbio.gov.br/parnachapadadosveadeiros/guia-do-visitante.html)

1) one very easy, of 800m, the Siriema track; 

2) the Sete Quedas Track, of 23km, which takes 2 to 3 days, 

3) the Saltos Track (11km to go and come back), which leads to the highest waterfalls and 

4) the Canions Track (12 km, to go and come back), which leads to smaller waterfalls, but better to take a bath. 

The Saltos track is quite hard, since you start over the top of the waterfall, so you have to get down then climb again, in the way back. Also, the track is really in the middle of the jungle. 

The Canions Track, though a bit longer, is easier because there aren´t so many ups-and-downs, and eventually you walk on dirty roads, so you won´t be hit all the time by the bushes and you won´t have to worry so much about....snackes. 

It is very important to carry water in canteens or squeezes; you won´t have enough water all the way along the tracks, so you´ll have to grab some water in the rivers. Don´t worry, the water is crystal clear. If you don´t want to drink river water, you´ll have to carry lots of squeezes and canteens, making the hike much harder.

Sunblock and (very) comfortable sneackers, preferably those which protects the anckle - or, simply, boots -  are very recommended too. As the tracks take hours, taking sandwiches and snacks are very advisable, you won´t find a place to eat inside the park. 

The Park allows entrances just untill midday, and exit is mandatory by 6pm. 

The majestic view of the Chapada dos Veadeiros´National Park

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