Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Flying to and inside Brazil

Travelling inside Brazil, specially if you want to go to one state to another, will demand you take an airline. The country has a similar size as the US and Europe, but there´s no high-speed train and distances are huge. Roadtrips can be done, but only if you will have time or if you will stay in the same state or region. Furthermore, I´ll write about roadtrips. The Amazonian states can´t be visited by car, so you´ll need to get a some-days-long boat trip if you want to avoid the airplane there. Nevertheless, it is always possible to rent a car in the main airports, but you must check if the place you want to go is reachable by car, specially in the Amazonian states (Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Roraima and Rondonia).

For all state capitals there are daily and regular flights from São Paulo, Rio and Brasilia. Starting in other cities and depending on where you intend to go, may demand a conection. Big and medium sized cities in the countryside also have airports with regular flights.

Basically, in Brazil there are four main airlines which provides national service: TAM, GOL, AZUL and AVIANCA. TAM and GOL have the biggest marketshare and are always fighting for the leadership in domestic flights. AZUL and AVIANCA have smaller marketshare and less number of flights, but their service is good and can be both excellent options for less expensive flights. But be aware they can operate in terminals separated from the main terminal in big airports. In the next posts I´ll write about each one of them. All their sites can be switched for english, spanish and other languages.

There are some regional carriers which goes to smaller cities, like SETE BRASIL and PASSAREDO.

All four main carriers provide online check-in and have their apps too, for smartphones. They also have automatic machines ("totems") in the airports for check-in and other services. TAM and GOL, when you check-in at those machines in the airport, generally offer an earlier flight, if available. This is verty practical in case you´ve arrived too early in the airport.
But you can still check-in the old way, if you want to talk to the companie´s personnel....and take the line.

Domestic flights allow you to check, without extra costs, 1 piece of luggage weighting 23kg (50lbs).
International flights from Europe, US and Asia generally allows 2 pieces weighting 32kg (70lbs). However, it is always advisable to check your airline luggage allowance rules, which can also vary according to the ticket you´ve bought

(above: TAM and GOL planes at BSB, Brasilia International Airport)
Hand luggage policy is similar to Europe and US, but some airline personnel in some airports may demand you to check your luggage if they think it is too big for carrying on. Generally, sharp, cutting and piercing objects must be checked, as well as bottles over than 1 liter. 
In the next posts I´ll make some comments on each big-four airlines. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The capitals of Brazil

When tourists think of Brazil, they think of Rio, samba and carnival.
For sure, Rio is the touristic capital and perhaps the most beautifull city in the world, at least when it comes for a combination between sea, city, mountains and jungle. 
Of course, the greatest and most luxurious carnival in the world is held in Rio, and it is also the capital of samba.

(above, the Corcovado mountain seen from the "Pão de Açúcar" or "Sugarloaf" mountain)

But Brazillian music and culture aren´t just about samba, and there are lots of other rythims I want to explore furthermore in this blog. 

Well, Brazil is more than samba and party, so the country as its economic capital, what doesn´t mean you can´t have enough fun there: São Paulo. In fact, when we talk about nightlife, international food, museums and exhibitions in Brazil, we´d better rush for São Paulo.
(above, the Ibirapuera Park and the Paraíso neighborhood in São Paulo)

And, of course, Brazil has its political capital located in the middle of the country, built in the late 50´s, Brasilia. This young modernist capital is home to Oscar Niemayer´s masterpieces, the most famous Brazillian architect, who planned the buildings while Lucio Costa, his fellow urbanist, planned the layout of the city. A bureaucratic city, of course, but with outstanding architecture, plenty green areas and wonderfull and unknown landscapes on its surrounding places. And plus, the beauty of the "Ipês", a very big tree with very beautifull flowering from july to september. 

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