Tuesday, August 18, 2015

São Luiz 

São Luiz, capital city of the state of Maranhão, was founded by french in 1612, reintegrated to the then portuguese colony of Brazil in 1615. In 1641 it was taken by the dutch, and finally in 1644 it got back to portuguese hands.

 (above: view of the most modern part of the city from the historic centre)

 (above, the Palace of The Lions - Palácio dos Leões, seat to the State Government)

 (above, São Luiz cathedral´s)
(under, inside São Luiz cathedral´s)

Full of history, the city has old and beautifull historic buildings, decorated with portuguese tiles. Unfortunately, the historic downtown isn´t preserved as it should, since the portuguese tiles´ collection is the biggest in Brazil, and probably the biggest outside Portugal.

The state of Maranhão remains as one of the poorest in Brazil, but the touristic sector is a promise of revenues, since it has lots of potential. A refurbishment of the historic city centre at São Luiz would help it a lot.

Nevertheless, knowing the Cathedral and the Sacred Art Museum by its side is a good experience. The Museum explores a bit of Maranhão´s history, which is quite interesting. A walk by the portuguese-tiled houses can produce nice pictures.   

São Luiz is nowadays basis for tourism to the Lençois Maranhenses, in the east coast of the state (see yestarday post). The domestic airport links the city with the rest of Brazil.   

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